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 * @created 2006-02-21
 * @source [[c:Template:Convert to SVG]]
 * @revision 12:08, 18. Mai 2015 (CEST)
 * @author [[User:Ilmari Karonen]], 2006, 2010
 * @author [[c:User:Perhelion]], 2010, 2015
 * Commons: [[Category:User scripts|fixconverttosvg]] <nowiki>
 * @license released in the public domain
 * ToDo Ajax implementation
/* global jQuery, mediaWiki, convertToSVGTypes */
(function ($, mw) {
"use strict";
	var st = "{Convert to SVG|",   // template name
		vt = "Vector version available",
		ns = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber'),
		ac = mw.config.get('wgAction'),
		sc = mw.config.get('wgScript'),
		ti = mw.config.get('wgTitle');

	function replaceTag ( txt,  type) {
		var reSVG = /\{\{\s?(Convert[_ ]?to|Should[_ ]?Be)?[_ ]?(?:SVG|Vectorize|In SVG konvertieren)[^}]*\}\}\s?/i,
			reVVA = /\{\{\s?(((Superseded|Converted to )SVG)|VVA|(((Vector|SVG)[_ ]?(version)?[_ ]?)available))[^}]*\}\}\s?/i,
			par = "", lM = "", vva = "";
		while ( reSVG.test( txt ) ) { // remove SVG, save parameter
			lM = RegExp.lastMatch;
			txt = txt.replace(lM, "");
			if (/\|+(([^|}]+)\s*|\|([^|}]+))}}\s?$/.test( lM )) // lastMatch
				par = RegExp.$1;
	//console.log(lM, RegExp.lastMatch, "$1 "+ RegExp.$1+", $2 "+RegExp.$2 +":par: "+par)
		while ( reVVA.test( txt ) ) { // remove VVA, save parameter
			lM = RegExp.lastMatch;
			txt = txt.replace(lM, "");
			if (/\|\s?([^|}]+\.svg)/i.test( lM )) // lastMatch
				vva = RegExp.$1;
	//console.log("vva",vva, RegExp.lastMatch)
		if ( vva || (par && /\.SVG/i.test(par.slice(-4))) ) { // check wrong using of SVG template and correct it
			par = vva || par;
			par = toSVGname(par);
			type = '{{'+ vt +'|'+ par +'}}\n';
			return [type + txt, type];
		if (type) {
			if (type === "-") 
				type = st + " removed-";
			else {
				var iO = (par.indexOf("vectordata=") === 0);
				if (type === "vectordata=") 
					type = (iO)? /\|([^|}]+\s*\|[^|}]+)/.exec(lM)[1] : par +"|"+ type;
				else if (iO) 
					type += "|"+ par;
				par = "{"+ st + type +"}}\n";
				/*iO ={{(COA)?Information)[\s\S]+?\n}}\n(?!\|)/); // after Info template
				iO += (iO !== -1)? RegExp.lastMatch.length : 1;
				txt = (iO)? txt.slice(0, iO) + par + txt.slice(iO) : par + txt;*/
				txt = par + txt;
				type = par;
	//console.log(txt, type)
		return [txt, type];

	function toSVGname (s) { // try to made valid SVG filename extension
		s = s || ti;
		s = s.replace(/^[Ff]ile:/,"");
		if (!/\.SVG$/.test(s))
			s = s.replace(/\.\D{3}\D?$/,'.svg');
		/*var a = new mw.Api();  
			titles: "File:" + s
		}).done( function ( data ) {
			if ( data.query && data.query.pages ) {
				$.each( data.query.pages, function ( id, page ) {
					id = ( page.pageid ) ? id : "";
					alert( "SVG file not exists! " + id );
				} );
		return s;
	function toSVGfile ( e ) {
		var type = e,
			st2 = " set tag ",
			SLink = "([[User:Perhelion/fixconverttosvg.js|Script]])";
		if (!$("#editform").length) return;
		if (typeof(e) !== 'string') {
			e =;
			type = e.innerText;
			//if (e.nodeName == "A") return;
			if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
		//console.log(e, type, e.nodeName);  //TEST
		var $textarea = $('#wpTextbox1'),
			txt = replaceTag( $textarea.val(), type ),
			$sum = $('#wpSummary'),
			sum = $sum.val(),
			oldSum = sum.indexOf( SLink + st2 );
		sum = (sum.indexOf( vt ) === -1) ? sum : ""; // don't add double cmt
		oldSum = (oldSum === -1)? sum : sum.slice(0, oldSum);
		$textarea.val( txt[0] );
		$sum.val(SLink + st2 + txt[1] + " " + oldSum);
		$('#wpMinoredit').prop('checked', true);
		if (e && typeof(e) === 'string') $('#wpSave').click(); // I'm feeling lucky!
		return false;

	function toVVA () { // Vector version available
		var $textarea = $('#wpTextbox1'),
			txt = $textarea.val(),
			$sum = $('#wpSummary'),
			s = $textarea.textSelection('getSelection'),
			c = $textarea.textSelection('getCaretPosition') || 0,
			p = ""; //existing vva + parameter (file)
	console.log("toVVA p ", p, s, txt[0],txt[1]); //TEST
		if (s) {
			txt = replaceTag( txt.replace(s,"") );
			p = txt[1]; 
			txt = txt[0];
			s = toSVGname(s);
			s = '{{'+ vt +'|'+ s +'}}\n';
			txt = (p)? txt.replace(p, s) : s + txt;
			p = s;
		else {
			p = replaceTag( txt );
			if (!p[1]) {
				console.log(txt.length, $textarea.val().length)
				s = toSVGname();
				p = '{{'+ vt +'|'+ ( s || '.svg' ) +'}}\n';
				txt = txt.slice(0, c) + p + txt.slice(c);
				p = vt;
			txt = p[0]; // remove templates
		$textarea.val( txt );
		$sum.val( p );

	function makeTypes () {
		var types = ["alphabet", "architecture", "art", "astronomical map", "biology", "chemical", "chemistry", "circuit", "coat of arms", "diagram", "flag", "graph", "icon", "locator map", "logo", "map", "math", "military insignia", "musical notation", "physics", "realistic", "ribbon", "sign", "signature", "sport", "symbol", "technology", "text", "transport map"],
			typec = "", t;
		if (window.convertToSVGTypes) {
			typec = convertToSVGTypes;
			if (typeof(typec) == 'string')
				typec = typec.split(/,\s*/);
			else if ($.isArray(typec)) types = []; // reset default
		//console.log(types, typec, typec.length)
		// append default values
		for (t=0; t<typec.length; t++) {
			if (types.indexOf(typec[t]) === -1)
		return types.sort().concat("-");

	function createSection () {
		var types = ["vectordata="].concat(makeTypes()),
			$textarea = $('#wpTextbox1');
			/*t = 0, s;
		for (t; t < types.length; t++)
			types[t] = [types[t], "{{" + st + "|" + types[t] + "}}"];*/
		/*for (t; t < types.length; t++) {
			types[t] = {
				'label': types[t],
				'action': {
					'type': 'callback',
					'execute': function () {
						$textarea.textSelection('encapsulateSelection', { pre: "{"+ st + types[t], post: "}}"
		$textarea.wikiEditor('addToToolbar', {
			sections : { 'ToSVG' : {
				label: 'ToSVG',
				'type' : 'booklet',
				pages : { 'tosvg' : {
					//label : '{'+st, // replaced
					layout : 'characters',
					characters : types
			section: 'main', // Button Vector version available
				groups: { 'SVG': {
					tools: { "vva": {
						label: vt,
						type: 'button',
						icon: '',
						action: {
							type: 'callback',
							execute: toVVA
		$(' span').off("click").click( toSVGfile ).css("font-size","14px"); //HACK (callback API don't work!?) + made smaller
		$('<a>').attr('href','//').text('{'+st).appendTo( 'div.index>div.current' ); //HACK for info link
		/*$textarea.wikiEditor('addToToolbar', { // vectordata button
			section : 'ToSVG', page : 'tosvg', characters : [{
					'label': "vectordata=",
					'action': { 
						'type': 'callback',
						'execute':  function () {
						$textarea.textSelection('encapsulateSelection', { pre: "{"+ st +"|vectordata=", post: "}}\n" })
		//$('').children('img').click( function(){ });

	function toSVGcategory () {
		var types = makeTypes(),
			url, frag, link, t,
			s = (/(\S*) images that should use vector graphics$/.test(ti))? RegExp.$1 : "";
		if (s) {// remove current type from sub-cat
			s = s[0].toLowerCase() + s.slice(1); // types need to be start lower case
			types = $(types).not([s]);
		var tLen = types.length; // performance?
			".gallerybox, .gallerybox > div { width:280px !important }"+
			".gallerytext > a { white-space:nowrap }"
		// Maybe use $.clone
		$('#mw-category-media div.gallerytext').children("a").after(function(){
			url = sc +"?title=File:"+ (/\/wiki\/File:([^\n]*?$)/.exec(this.href)[1])+"&action=edit";
			this.href = url;
			url += "&fixconverttosvg=";
			frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
			for (t = 0; t < tLen; t++) { // this is faster than jQuery
				link = document.createElement('a');
				link.href = url + types[t];
				//link.onclick = toSVGfile; //Ajax
				link.text = types[t]; = "_blank";
				frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode("] "));
			return frag;
	//mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add(
		function () {
			if (ns === 14)// && ti.indexOf('mages that should use vector graphics') !== -1)
				mw.loader.using('mediawiki.util', toSVGcategory());
			//else  {// if (ns === 6) && ["edit", "submit"].indexOf(ac) > -1 && !/SVG/i.test(ti.slice(-3))) {
				if (/[?&]fixconverttosvg=([^&]*)/.test( && ac === 'edit')
				else if (!$('').length) // don't load (in live preview) again
					mw.loader.using(['user.options', 'mediawiki.api'], function () {
						if (mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) && mw.user.options.get( 'showtoolbar' ))
							$.when(mw.loader.using(['ext.wikiEditor.toolbar', 'jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar']), $.ready).then(createSection);
})(jQuery, mediaWiki);