
Unsere Welt ist ein Planet, wo Menschen viele Gesellschaften gebildet haben.
Niemand weiß, ob es intelligente Wesen auf anderen Welten gibt. Es gibt etwa eine Trilliarde (1024) Welten im Universum.
Autoren erfinden manchmal neue Welten. They use these worlds as the settings for their stories. Manche Autoren erfinden Welten, die Magie haben.
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]World literature is literature that is read by many people all over our world. World literature is different from national literature.
I am more and more convinced that poetry is the universal possession of mankind, revealing itself everywhere and at all times in hundreds and hundreds of men. . . . I therefore like to look about me in foreign nations, and advise everyone to do the same. National literature is now a rather unmeaning term; the epoch of world literature is at hand. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1827
Welten in der Literatur
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Creating a different world is a literary device used by authors to illustrate ideas. By placing the story in the setting of a different world, the author can change the way that things happen. For example, the author might imagine a world that has very little water or a world that has very little dry land. Deciding what a world looks like and how the world works is called world-building. Thinking about their world helps the author make good choices about what happens to the characters in the story. Some authors think about many details, such as what languages the characters speak and what the architecture is on the world.
Welten in der Science-Fiction
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Science fiction stories often use different worlds. Frank Herbert's famous Dune series focused on a world called Arrakis, which produced a very rare and very important spice.
Often a science-fiction story will involve multiple worlds. The Foundation series by Isaac Asimov was set in a galaxy with thousands of populated worlds. Asimov wrote the first books in the 1950s. In 1982, he published another book, called Foundation's Edge (ISBN 0385177259). The Star Wars movies had a several important worlds, and characters traveled between them. Some authors of science fiction worlds try to make them scrupulously obey the laws of physics.
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Fantasiewelten sind fiktive Welten, die Magie verwenden. This magic may involve saying magic words, using magical objects, or performing magical rituals.
Autor/-in | Welt | Quelle | Beschreibung |
J.R.R. Tolkien | Mittelerde | Der Herr der Ringe-Triologie | Middle-earth has some qualities similar to Mediæval Europe. The author added magical creatures like elves and wizards. At the end of the story, some magical creatures leave the world. |
J.R.R. Tolkien | Arda | Das Silmarillion | Arda ist unsere Welt, jedoch in einer fiktiven Zeit. Middle-earth is actually a continent of the world. |
C. S. Lewis | Narnia | Die Chroniken von Narnia-Serie | The whole world is named after the principal country, Narnia. It features a powerful lion, an evil witch, giants, dragons, and some magical devices. Diese Welt ist flach. |
Piers Anthony | Xanth | The Magic of Xanth | Diese Welt hat viele magische Dinge. It is connected to modern America. Each creature in Xanth has a unique magical talent. These talents are usually minor. Translating the book is difficult because of the many silly puns. Diese machen Sinn auf Englisch, jedoch nicht nötigerweise in anderen Sprachen. |
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Musik wird auf der ganzen Welt gemacht.
Die Musik könnte ein einfaches Lied für Kinder sein, wie dieses:
Die Musik kann Teil einer komplexen Sinfonie sein. This score shows part of a famous section of the Symphony No. 9 in D minor by Ludwig van Beethoven:
Sprachen in der Welt
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Die Ägypter hatten Bilder verwendet, um deren Sprache zu schreiben. Die Bilder heißen Hieroglyphen. So siehen die aus:
Once upon a time, Greek and Latin were spoken by most traders in the Western world. Before then, traders learned the languages of nearby cities. Ancient traders did not travel around the world.
Some languages are spoken in many parts of the world. These are called world languages. As of 2015, English is the most common world language. Previously, French was the most popular language in the West. Chinese was used by traders in all of East Asia for centuries. Arabic is common in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and other parts of the world.
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (Französisch: Organisation mondiale de la santé) ist eine internationale Organisation für öffentliche Gesundheit.[1] Es ist Teil der Vereinigten Nationen. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation wurde 1948 gegründet.[1] Its goal is for everyone in the world to be healthy and safe. It studies public health and tells governments and other organisations how to help people become healthy.
The organisation counts the number of people with health problems. These health problems include influenza, HIV infection, and depression. It also counts the number of people who have other problems, such as dirty water, hunger, and violence.
Psychische Gesundheit ist auch wichtig.[2] People with mental health problems such as depression often die ten years early.
The World Bank is also interested in health.[3] Poor health affects the economy of a country.
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]This poem by John Donne mentions the world:
Her death hath taught us dearly that thou art
Corrupt and mortal in thy purest part.
Let no man say, the world itself being dead,
'Tis labour lost to have discovered
The world's infirmities, since there is none
Alive to study this dissection;
For there's a kind of world remaining still,
Though she which did inanimate and fill
The world, be gone...
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Form unserer Welt
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Unsere Welt ist nicht eine perfekte Sphäre. Es ist ein bisschen abgeflacht.
Die Mathematische Formel, um die Flachheit einer Sphäre zu messen, istFür unsere Welt ist ungefähr 0,3%. Der Mond ist runder. Für den Mond ist ungefähr 0,1%. Jupiter ist flacher. Für den Jupiter ist ungefähr 6.5%.
Lokale Planeten
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]Unsere Welt ist ein Planet. Es gibt mehrere Arten von Planeten in unseren Sonnensystem:
- Terrestrische Planeten
- Riesige Planeten
- Gasriesen
- Eisriesen
- Zwergplaneten
Dies sind die bekannten Planeten im Sonnensystem und einige deren natürlichen Satelliten:
- Vier Terrestrische Planeten
- Merkur
- Venus
- Erde
- Ein Satellit, namens Mond
- Mars
- Zwei Satelliten, namens Phobos und Deimos
- Ein Zwergplanet im Asteroidengürtel
- Ceres
- Zwei Gasriesen
- Jupiter
- Four large satellites, called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto
- 75 weitere bekannte Satelliten
- Saturn
- 62 bekannte Satelliten. Einige sind sehr klein.
- Seven are large. The largest, called Titan, is larger than the planet Mercury and it is the second largest known natural satellite in the Solar System.
- Jupiter
- Zwei Eisriesen
- Uranus
- Fünf große Satelliten
- 22 weitere bekannte Satelliten
- Neptun
- Ein großer Satellit, namens Triton
- 13 weitere bekannte Satelliten
- Uranus
- Vier Zwergplaneten im Kuipergürtel
- Pluto
- Five satellites, called Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx
- Haumea
- Makemake
- Eris
- Pluto
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Lokale Planeten (Nicht zur Skala)
[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- ↑ a b Burci, Gian Luca; Vignes, Claude-Henri (2004). World Health Organization. Kluwer Law International. ISBN 9789041122735. Pages 15–20.
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- Pflichtparameter fehlt: Weder 'Titel' noch sonstiges Werk Vorlage:Open access
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- Pflichtparameter fehlt: Weder 'Titel' noch sonstiges Werk
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[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]- Beispiellink – ein externer Link zu example.com
- [1] – an external link without a label